Friday, November 21, 2008

Worlds AIDS Day progress

The last couple of days I have been in Yerevan working on getting ready for World AIDS Day in Armenia. Things are coming together with a few hitches. We got funding to rent one of the two movie theaters in the country to show a film about HIV/AIDS and to make and print a bunch of informative pamplets with the most important facts about HIV/AIDS, but the funding won't here for a couple more weeks. So we will probably delay our event. But the entire month of December is World AIDS Month so we still have plenty to of time to do our event.

Also volunteers all over Armenia are doing HIV/AIDS contests. I have one submission, which is less than I hoped for but one is better and than none. And I did do lessons to make sure that my students have accurate information about HIV AIDS, which is the most important part.

Sunday I will be going to Yerevan for our yearly ALL VOL conference. We will have a nice Thanksgiving meal and all the volunteers which will be great.

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