Monday, November 10, 2008

Winter is here

Winter has arrived. Yesterday we had our first snow. It was a very beautiful moment, and I called Lily so that we could share it. While the snow is beautiful, that also means that the weather is very cold. I am having difficulty typing this because my fingers are so cold. I wish I could type with gloves on, but that just doesn't work.But my body is warm. I have several layers of clothes on and nice big, thick wool coat. And plenty of wool socks to fortify my feet.

Some of the snow has melt away today but the higher mountains are covered and will stay that way till probably April or May. Mount Ararat, at 15,000 has permanent snow coverage. When I go into the capitol(Yerevan) I have a great view of Ararat if it is a clear day.

I expect Jermuk to be completely covered by snow by the time Thanksgiving rolls around, and for it to stay that way till April. Longs winters, but the snow is beautiful and I'll get through it.

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