Wednesday, May 28, 2008

sorry its been so long

So its been a while since my last post. I got really busy in May. I survived my first year in the Armenian schools. Not that there is something dangerous about Armenian schools, which could be inferred from me using the verb survive. But it was a challenge, that is what I wanted to convey with the verb survive. I met all of the challenges. A major challenge was,and is, the language barrier. But I have worked hard on my Armenian and have seen it improve. Not any huge leaps, but bits and bits of improvements. I also met the challenges by teaching health and english. I have also done leadership mentoring and have started to do a bit of small business advising. And the summer is filled with opportunities as I have many summer camps to work. And I am also really excited to be able to go home for a couple of weeks. It will be a good summer with a good year put behind me.

1 comment:

Lily said...

I can't wait til you come home!